Pho Toronto

The Best Pho in Toronto

The best pho in Toronto is an elixir diners crave for its soothing qualities, and ability to satiate, energize and revive. A humble soup from northern Vietnam, this one relies on hours of prep, bright ingredients and fresh noodles for its greater-than-the-sum-of-its-parts powers.

Here is where to get the best pho in Toronto.

Pho Tien Thanh

Pho Tien Thanh

Heady broth makes rare beef, brisket, beef balls, tripe and more luxuriously alluring at this cash-only, bare-bones Ossington spot. Join the throngs piling in for the intoxicating scent of the broth, the slap of rice noodles and the therapeutic combination of fresh herbs, tender proteins and snappy service.

Pho Linh

Pho Linh

With noodles, proteins, veg and toppings in the mix, broth is pushed to the edge of its vessel at this Brockton Village spot. Reasonable prices make the abundance of ingredients taste that much sweeter.

Pho 90

Pho 90

Diners study a menu of options at this modern Stockyards District restaurant, where vegan, chicken and beef broth are all on offer. Whichever of the dozen plus options calls your name, strap in for intensely aromatic broth brimming with a profusion of add-ins — whether you order regular, large or the eye-popping extra-large portion.

Linh Anh

Linh Anh

Scarborough's most soothing corner may just be inside this spot, staring down a steaming bowl of pho. Northern Vietnamese recipes are the map the team follows to create faithful renditions of soup piled high with crunchy flank, bone marrow, rare beef slices, and more.

Bun Bo Hue Pho

Bun Bo Hue Pho

Specializing in two of Vietnam's most popular broth-based dishes, this North York spot is a welcome refuge in colder months. Diners sit cheek to cheek for fragrant bowls brimming with noodles, meat and a profusion of herbs

Pho Mi Viet Hoa

Pho Mi Viet Hoa

An addictive base of sweet and savoury broth spiked with star anise, cinnamon and nutmeg makes every bowl of pho served at this spot swiftly disappear. Sure, the North York strip-mall location may not be much to look at but trust the legions of multi-generational families digging in.

Golden Turtle

Golden Turtle

The only quiet moments at this bustling Ossington restaurant are on Tuesdays, when the doors are closed and the aroma of simmering broth isn't perfuming the neighbourhood. Every other day, eager diners wait their turn for traditional pho that's rich and fresh, savoury, bright and utterly engrossing, from first bite to last.

Pho Anh Vu

Pho Anh Vu

This local chain serves up a who's who of traditional Vietnamese eats, including myriad takes on pho. Hot stone soup is an interactive option that allows fussy types to customize the cook on their meat, the number of noodles in the bowl and the exact herb and bean sprout garnish needed to achieve perfection.

Pho Metro

Pho Metro

Scarborough is home to this casual spot where pho holds a day's worth of protein, carbs and reviving broth. Whether you're in the mood for seafood, grilled pork, chicken or beef in all its forms, you'll find your fit among the numerous pho options.

Lead photo by

Hector Vasquez of Pho 90, @boltonsbites of Pho Tien Thanh, @judyyu15 of Golden Turtle, @jason6613 of Pho Linh, @ljs.eats at Linh Ahn, Bun Bo Hue Pho, Pho Mi Viet Hoa

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The Best Pho in Toronto

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