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Tapi Go! almost exclusively deals in Brazilian tapioca crepes made from naturally gluten-free tapioca flour that's made on site. These types of crepes are traditionally eaten as a street food in Brazil, the light complex carbs perfect for fueling up on the go.
They even make green crepes dyed with spinach and bright pink crepes made with beet, and all their crepes are all natural and made without preservatives. The handheld snack comes in both sweet and savoury varieties.
They're made right before your eyes at a counter, though the interior is mainly geared toward takeout.
All crepes are made by sprinkling a pan with hydrated house tapioca flour, then adding any filings, cooking until the underside is crispy and folding in half.
The most basic, traditional version of the crepe is the Almost Naked ($5.80).
The only filling in this crepe is lots and lots of salted butter, and the texture is crispy and dry on the outside, chewy on the inside.
A Green Mushi option ($8.50) is actually vegan, made using the spinach flour for a light green colour. Almost raw baby spinach and sauteed mushrooms could match a bit better in texture, but a baba ganoush paste brings the flavours together.
The Italian Lace actually incorporates parmesan into the tapioca flour exterior itself, putting it down in the pan before the flour.
This results in a browned "lacey" crust on the outside, the inside stuffed with mozzarella, tomato, basil and oregano.
New Love ($8.50) is a sweet crepe with a vibrant pink beet base with strawberries, pecans and tons of dulce de leche inside.
Cheese buns ($6) are a typical Brazilian nibble, and here they're very moist on the inside and crunchy on the outside, with lots of cheesy flavour. Here, you can actually get butter or dulce de leche on the side, the latter a rare combination of savoury and sweet.
Add on a coffee for a little caffeine boost with your healthy grab-and-go Brazilian refuel. You can also purchase their tapioca flour to take home.
A hanging cradle and green wall with a neon logo is the perfect spot for a quick crepe selfie on the way out.
Fareen Karim