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Red Violin Brazilian Steakhouse
T'is the season for office Christmas parties and last night, my office party was at the Red Violin Brazilian Steakhouse .
Not knowing what to expect, I had only heard about the racks of grilled meat brought over to your table dim-sum style.
For a fixed rate, we started off with a plate full of appetizers from the self-serve bar, which had everything from pasta salad, to quail eggs, mussels, yummy shrimp and even salmon. Then began the main course of meat, meat and more meat. Served with sides of potatoes, mushrooms, and carrots, the meat was brought out on giant skewers and served plate by plate. I tried the sausage, pork parmesan, baby beef, beef ribs and so much more.
The best part was that each serving was nicely spaced allowing me to digest one before I started on a new variety of barbecue. The drinks were delicious, though a little weak in alcohol. You even get a card, which you flip from green to red, to let the servers know that you are done eating.
For dessert, grilled pineapple with cinnamon served on a skewer... need I say more, except that it was the most fun and satisfying dinner I had eaten in a while.
Weekends boast a live Brazilian band and dancers, and even a mini dance lesson. A well-rounded meal squared off with some good entertainment. My night was made.