

It is really hard to find great Mexican food in this city. Tex-mex. Sure. But there is no true authentic cuisine from this northern Latin American country in the T-dot to be found.

The closest I have been to this genuine fare has been at Mariachi's in Davisville.

The restaurant is looted with sombrero's, tequila bottles and chili pepper lights. The walls are a pencil crayon blue with clay colour tables.

I started with a traditional margarita. It was delicious. Just the way my good pal from Pachuca makes them. Actually, she too would be impressed by their salsa and fresh tortilla chips.


For my main course, I had the Mole de Pollo. This over-40-ingredients dish is not served in many other restaurants in the city. Those that do serve it are definitely not as good at Mariachi's. The tender chicken absorbs the rich brown mole sauce nicely and the sesame seeds provide a nice overall smooth finish.

The rice is nothing to bark about and the salad tastes like it was pulled out of a bag.

I also tried some on my partner's chicken flautas. These cripy fried taquitos were served with sour creme and a chunky salsa. It was actually quite good and not too oily.

Until I can find true Mexican just the way my pal from the silver state makes it, Mariachi's will have to do.

PS. If you are heading there on the weekend, make sure you make a resy first.


2084 Yonge Street


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