
Weekend Radar: June 6th + 7th, 2009

Photo: "Untitled" by Carl Heindl, member of the blogTO Flickr pool.

Events on Toronto's Radar for SATURDAY AND SUNDAY JUNE 6th + 7th, 2009
...lovingly handpicked from blogTO's events calendar

Saturday June 6th

FASHION | SOL[e]D! at Bata Shoe Museum
Fashion mag launch and auction of artist-altered Keds. Admission includes access to the Bata Museum and a two-year subscription to Worn. Cheap drinks, free food and music by Shake a Tail.
Bata Shoe Museum, 327 Bloor W
7pm-1am / $28

PARTIES | Pardon My Hindi
SF-based design studio Pardon My Hindi makes their Toronto debut! Koushik, DJ Xplisit & DJ Adverbfrom Stones will be spinning, plus local talent mymanhenri and Seven:30.
Rolly's Garage, 124 Ossington Ave
8pm / $5 all night for BlogTO readers - just say "BlogTO" at the door!

LECTURE | The Urban Playground
Kurt Perschke (creator of the squishy red ball making the rounds of Luminato), members of the OpenCity Projects and the artists of the Luminato Box discuss ways art can engage with public space.
Hard Rock Cafe, 279 Yonge Street
1pm / FREE

SPORTS | Big Wheel Bike Club
Grab your bike and cruise around the waterfront, then back to Amsterdam brewery for a BBQ and brew tasting.
Amsterdam Brewery, 21 Bathurst Street
11am / FREE

ART | Riverdale Art Walk
Tour art studios in Riverdale. Live music, Steamwhistle beer tent and fun stuff for kids too.
Broadview to Carlaw and Carlaw north to Dundas
Sat-Sun 11a-6p / FREE

Sunday June 7th

ART | The Midnight Market
The Alt's Midnight Market will be packed with good tunes, dancing, drinking, eating and art!
Augusta House, 152 Augusta Ave
7pm / $5

MUSIC | WL466: Joe Lally (from Fugazi!) + Glorytellers + Helen Money
Wavelength's weekly dose of live music at Sneaky Dee's includes Joe Lally (Fugazi!), Boxes & Bags, Glorytellers, and Helen Money and an surprise band at midnight.
431 College Street
9pm / PWYC

PARTY | Nurse.Fighter.Boy DVD Release Party
Not to be outdone by Pardon My Hindi on Saturday night, Charles Officer descends on Rolly's Garage for a DVD release part for his Canadian made film. Live music, a photography exhibit and a film screening all on the agenda.
124 Ossington Avenue
3pm-1am | $20

CHARITY | Ride for Heart
Stay the hell away from the Gardiner and DVP on Sunday - unless you're biking with other cycling enthusiasts and Heart and Stoke Foundation supporters as part of this annual charity bike ride.

CAT LOVERS | Sunday Bazaar Artists' Open Market (All Things Cat)

Attention feline fanatics - get thee to INDEXG gallery on Gladstone for an all things cat market. No, you can't buy kittens here but there will be plenty of cat-related products on offer made from more than a dozen local artists)
50 Gladstone Avenue
12-6pm, FREE

For full listings, head on over to our events calendar.

Have an event you'd like to plug? Submit your own listing to the blogTO calendar, contact us directly, or use our handy Facebook app.

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