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nicholas metivier gallery toronto

Nicholas Metivier Gallery

Nicholas Metivier Gallery
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The Nicholas Metivier Gallery is one of Canada’s largest contemporary art galleries, focusing on contemporary work by distinguished Canadian artists.

Founded by the art world veteran Metivier in 2004, the gallery also showcases pieces by American and international creators who range from painters to mixed-media artists.

nicholas metivier gallery torontoAfter 14 years at its original location on King West, the gallery has migrated to a larger space east of Yonge.

nicholas metivier gallery torontoLike many other buildings in the area, Metivier has taken over an old building and transformed it from industrial business to artsy space.

nicholas metivier gallery torontoAiry and spacious, the move is definitely an upgrade. It’s three times bigger than its old digs, and Nicholas Metivier and his designers have re-purposed what was once an old car garage into an apropos holding for contemporary artwork.

nicholas metivier gallery torontoIt’s large enough to feature two exhibits at once; the one-floor gallery has also maintained three car garages, which its turned into display windows instead.  

nicholas metivier gallery torontoAt any given time Metivier represents about 30 artists, many with whom they’ve had relationships for a long time, and whose work you might recognize from their previous location.

nicholas metivier gallery torontoThere’s work by creators from all over Canada, including, currently, landscape pieces by Newfoundland artist Ned Pratt, photos from renowned Canadian photographer Edward Burtynsky, and the inverted photo-paintings by Toronto-based Matthew Schofield.

nicholas metivier gallery torontoWhile Canadian-focused, Metivier certainly doesn’t shy away from international work, with diagrams from Italian mixed-media artist Paolo Ventura, Chinese painter Xiaoze Xie or photography by the New York legend Gordon Parks.nicholas metivier gallery torontoThe gallery is closed on Sundays, but you can expect plenty of programming and artist talks at Metivier throughout the year.

nicholas metivier gallery toronto

Photos by

Hector Vasquez

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Nicholas Metivier Gallery

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