Porky's Showers the Bloor

I just got back from seeing the Canadian soft-porn-frat-house classic Porky's at the Bloor Cinema as part of its Porky's 25th anniversary marathon.

Yes, that's right. Including the count 'em - not one, but TWO - sequels up the big screen. I don't know who needs that much Porky's, but if that's you, tonight was your night. Now, Meatballs and its sequels on the other hand...

I first saw this flick about 7 years ago when I just turned 18, and that Kim Cattrall gym sock howling scene is every bit as good as the first time around. I laughed my ass off.

The director, Bob Clark (also notorious for A Christmas Story and Black Christmas, oh, and Baby Geniuses), appeared as a guest speaker after the first screening. He mentions that he spent a lot of time collecting teen stories before filming, and, in fact, the famed penis-through-shower hole scene did actually happen at a Fort Lauderdale casino pool. Brilliant.

Howard Stern is attempting to remake Porky's next year, which Clark has nothing to do with, but notes Stern as a "funny" man, so hopefully it'll still keep the original's humour afloat in modern times. Or at least add a bit of shock treatment to it.

As for Clark, he's happy that Porky's has turned into such a cult phenomenon.

"This may sound modest, but I'm glad it's made it to 25 years."

Image: rottentomatoes.com

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