Featured Real Estate Listing

Thanks for taking the time to read our Featured Real Estate Listing FAQs. This page is meant as an explainer of what it means that the article you are reading is referred to as "featured real estate listing."

What is a featured real estate listing?

This is an article that is written about a real estate listing currently for sale. At its core it's an editorial article, written by a member of our editorial team and mostly flows through our standard editorial process.

However, unlike our standard process where our team selects all the real estate properties we choose to write about, this one is selected by an advertising partner.

What's the standard process for these real estate listing articles?

Our team has been writing about homes for sales for what seems forever. You can find lots of examples throughout the website such as this fairytale-inspired mansion or the Toronto house that is essentially a 1960s time capsule.

All of these articles are written because our team thought they were interesting in some way and figured you, our reader, might find them interesting too. We are not paid to write about them and there is no relationship between us and the owner or listing agent of the property.

Sadly, we also don't get a cut of the commission when it sells!

How does a featured real estate listing work?

This process typically starts when an advertising partner contacts us because they like our editorial articles and they're interested in us writing one about a house they're selling. The only way to guarantee our team writes about their property is for them to pay us for something we call a featured real estate listing. 

Once they do that, they send us the details about the property such as a link to the listing itself, photos of the property along with any information about the property they think we might find useful such as unique features of the home or amenities.

Once that happens, our team will write, edit and publish the article.

Does the partner get to read or edit the article before it's published?

No. The only part of the process where the partner is involved in a featured real estate listing is right at the beginning when they send us the aforementioned details about the property. They have no control over what we choose to write and the photos we decide to include.

How do I know if an article is a regular article or a featured real estate listing?

Featured real estate listings will always be marked as such and there will be a link from each one to this page for those who want more information. 
