Halloween DIY Ideas that Don't Suck
This Halloween, parties will be packed with people wearing good costumes and bad costumes. There will be elaborate and expensive ones that make you wonder just how obsessed one is with All Hallow's Eve, along with frocks that leave you scratching your head as to what in blue hell they are supposed to be.
For the rest of us, there are only three letters that matter: D.I.Y.
While surfing the web for ideas I came across instructables.com, a do-it-yourself site for just about anything - including Halloween costumes.
So here, in random order, are a few of the ways you can save hundreds of thousands of dollars this year while still turning heads.
Sesame Street Yip Yip Costume:
Every party has to fill a quota of cuteness to balance out the scary. This is one of those lovable costumes that is so simple it's bound to win the hearts of even the most hardened witches and Frankensteins. You will need to do a bit of sewing so make sure to bribe that one friend that can seem to stitch anything together and you've got a winner.
Liquid Latex Zombie Mask:
For anyone who witnessed the Zombie Walk, you saw a wide array of efforts from all walks of afterlife. The one thing that stuck in my head(apart from a fake knife) about this event was, 'I can do better'. Well now you can too with this combination of paint, latex and toilet paper. The results really are awesome as you can create any variety of melting skin effects. Find out how here.
Fake Wound:
Nothing shows off your Halloween spirit any more literally than puss-filled lesions and open sores. Regardless of how you dress up, looking like you have a severe infection is a hit at any shindig. The ingredients are a little more complex so you may want to go on a little ghoulish shopping trip before you sit down with this one.
Blood Spurting Knife Wound:
If you want to be 'that guy' who skulks around the Halloween party eliciting shrieks from all who are squeamish, go with this classic. The overexcited man in the video shows you how to Dremel your way to spooking anyone for a couple of seconds.
For some reason he decided to use a REAL butcher's knife - which I highly recommend replacing with a painted cardboard version if you have any plans on drinking - otherwise this trick will be anything but a treat.
Authentic-Looking Jigsaw Head Trap:
Paying tribute to Saw's nefarious Jigsaw in a costume you can remove without dismemberment will take a bit of effort, but this is easily one of my favourites. The guide boils this down to a mere 5 steps with truly wicked results.
Gangsta Midget:
Do I even need to tell you how amazing this is? Just look at it. You know you already own the clothing.
As for finding materials? You may want to hit up one of Toronto's Best Costume Stores, as well as your cupboard at home.
Written by guest contributor Justin Gilburd. Photos from instructables.com.
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