Kids Costumes Toronto

Kids Costumes

Kids Costumes is true to its name, catering to children from the toddler age to about 13-year olds. They've been a fixture in the neighborhood for over 30 years. The store, located on Mount Pleasant, has a wide variety of costumes, a good percentage of which are made in house.

Kids Costumes Toronto

As I browse around the shop, I immediately notice the miniature princess dresses, many of which are Disney characters. One of their newest offerings are reversible Disney character dresses. This gives little girls the option of dressing up like Belle for one half of the night, and turning their dress inside out to become Beauty for the remainder of the night. I think back to when I was that age, and remember how boring one costume must have been. The same concept applies to their Little Mermaid dress, and other Disney favourites. These sell between $79-$89.

Kids Costumes Toronto

Among all the costumes, I am most intrigued by their pioneer collection, which consists of miniature bonnets, dresses, aprons and other such garments that appeal to that time period. I definitely haven't seen these anywhere else. They also offer an array of dancewear such as ballerina tutus ($25) and custom-made tulle skirts ($35).

Kids Costumes Toronto

The boy's section is not as extensive, but they do sell an assortment of costumes such as Knights, Policemen, astronauts, army boys, and select characters such as Darth Vader.

Kids Costumes Toronto

The unisex costumes consist mainly of their animal collection, some of which are custom made. These adorable ensembles range from Bears, to elephants, cheetahs, and more elaborate costumes such as octopi ($150) and dragons ($129). These jumper style fleece animals are perfect for keeping the little ones warm during trick-or-treating.

Kids Costumes Toronto

Kids Costumes Toronto

Kids Costumes Toronto

Kids Costumes Toronto

Kids Costumes Toronto

Kids Costumes Toronto

Photos by Jesse Milns

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