World Naked Bike Ride 2018

The World Naked Bike Ride is back, Toronto!

Gather at 12 p.m. for socializing, body painting (the detailed artists will be there at 10 a.m.), bike decorating etc.

Bring food to share if you wish. Ride starts at 1 pm, following a route along several major streets in the downtown core.

It starts at Coronation Park (by the waterfront at the centre of the park; at the big Canadian flag pole.)

In order to stay in touch be sure to sign up to get ride updates directly at World Naked Bike Ride, and/or check this Toronto WNBR wiki.

There is a new Facebook page. Join it. Click link here #WNBRToronto

Better news! the latest socal media craze; allows nudity. We are at Goodbye facebook!

Also Twitter hashtag #WNBRToronto.

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