Workflow presents a solo exhibition by Claudia Menecola @Maybeclaudia at The Drake Hotel @Thedrakehotel curated by Kris Lodu @Kr____is.

Claudia Menecola draws upon intuition and dreams to create abstract works that seek to find a balance between the irrational and the deliberate. She identifies patterns within her environment, recently the decaying structures of Toronto, and recreates those patterns in her paintings. The unpredictable nature of paint and the degree of control that can be maintained is something that also interests Claudia. Recently, she has been exploring the repetition and disorder of mark-making through painting, drawing, sculpting, and writing.

Claudia Menecola (b. 1996) is a Toronto-based artist and graduate of OCAD University where she received a BFA in Drawing and Painting. Her art education began at Humber College, where she studied Visual and Digital Arts. Claudia’s practice is heavily focused on painting, ceramics, and drawing and she also works in art education. She has been a part of a number of group shows at OCADU and most recently exhibited at Artscape Youngplace in 2022.

Add your energy to the creative process as innovative artists from multiple disciplines showcase and discuss their work in the cozy confines of the lobby-turned-studio space.

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