Walking the River

We are building on the ideas created in our past few workshops and inviting your curious and creative participation.

Our goal is to co-create an event for 100in1Day, a series of simultaneous "urban interventions" on June 6th. We want to learn and share the experience of becoming a great ancestor – a person who takes care of the waters as a shared and sacred commons (not just as a resource or service).

We are continuing our learning and relating by shaping HOW we could embody this role. We imagine setting off on a group walk with five intentions of a great ancestor to guide us: invite belonging, make good agreements, take caution, give gratitude, and honour boundaries.

Whether or not you’ve joined us before, we invite you to come to Walking the River, on May 21st, and build on the work so far. June 6th will be a day across the city for neighbours to collaborate on making Toronto a better city; part of that is celebrating and re-envisioning our relationship to our waters. Help us shape what that looks, sounds, and feels like.

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Walking the River

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