Join us for an enlightening discussion above the mundane platform with our insightful, sharp-witted special guest, travelling monk Devamrita Swami! Also jump in on the fun of a lively musical meditation and love-filled vegan feasting!
Since time immemorial self expression has been a crucial part of human culture.
From prehistoric cave drawings, to DaVinci, to Picasso, now to graphic design and computer animation, we can see that creativity runs rampantly through human blood.
We dive into what material advancement offers and go with the flow of societal interest and demand as a general outlet for our creativity… But what is the essential reason behind why we create? Why do we feel the need to express in such a way?
It has been said by many spiritualists that artistic expression is the direct expression of the soul. So, whether or not we are fully conscious of it, we create to find ourselves, somewhere in the art we put out, and if not to find ourselves, we create to establish who we are.
However, have you ever wondered whether or not what we are finding or establishing is, in fact, us? Or could it be that our discoveries are perhaps based on societally implanted ideas of what we have been taught to think we should be?
Our culture has imposed upon us so many different conceptions of self that it is hard to keep up with the expectations. These conceptions are, however, based on the bodily and mental platforms.
But what if there is something beyond the mind and body, that we just haven’t been exposed to?
With that being said, what is the highest focal point towards which we can direct our creative energy? Where can we find the means to factually express our real, eternal selves?