Tristana & Ashtanga Yoga Fundamentals Workshop

The Basement Yoga & Fitness Studio
Sunday, April 7, 2019
1:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Sunday, June 9, 2019
1:00 AM – 4:00 PM

Sunday, April 7, 1- 4pm

Tristana and Ashtanga Yoga Fundamentals Workshop with Mark Morra

The foundation of Ashtanga Yoga was described in Yoga Mala by PattabhiJois as Tristana: Breath, Asana, and Dristi. When practiced simultaneously, Ashtanga becomes a moving meditation, or like a prayer from one pose to the next, as if meditating with mala beads. This workshop will demonstrate the profound effects of concentrating and focussing on Tristana,and explore how staying aware of what needs to work in each pose to achieve a state of Samasthith, “even balance.”

Investment: $55

Early Bird $45 before March 25th

One of two workshops with Mark Morra this Spring – look for his second session on June 9th.

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Tristana & Ashtanga Yoga Fundamentals Workshop

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