
Toastr is back in the west this month at the beautiful and classy Bunda Lounge! But that doesn't mean that you have to be classy. You can be however you want. But you can also be classy if you want to. Dress however you want and act however you want, just don't break things. Please.

To make matters even doper, Lucie Tic is joining Sticky Cuts. And Lucie Tic is among the best. She brings the funky beats, but she also loves the dancehall and club tunes. Sticky Cuts will play whatever else. They make a good team. We expect that you will like it.

And the lovely folks at Bunda always have some sort of $4 shooter on sale and fair priced rail drinks. So you can get tipsy and not leave broke. Unless you came broke. In that case, you'll probably leave broke. I don't know what to tell you except that I'm excited to party with you at Toastr on Nov 26 :

$10 cover

doors at 9:30

PS - Toastr December falls on NYE and we have a two venue concept going on that we think you will like very much. Something for everyone to ring in the new year. Keep your eyes peeled on the Toastr page for info. And by keep you eyes peeled, i mean i'll send out an invite as things get closer :

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