Tinder Tales: The 12 Dates of Christmas
This holiday edition of Tinder Tales features 12 comics on 12 dates where they've received a "gift". Some wanted, and some...not so much.
Hosted by Dean Young and Santa
and a lineup to stuff your stocking with:
Nick Martinello
Elaine Gold
Tommy Marshall
Kelly Zemnickis
Kareem Hassanien
Mark McNally
Anna Menzies
James Elias Island
Rodrigo Fernandez-Stoll
Jacob Balshin
Sarah St-Fleur
Rob Cornelis
Tamara Shevon
Doors 7:30pm Show 8pm
Seating is first come first served
Tickets $15 online
$20 door
*Note this show is located in the BASEMENT of Nightowl and unfortunately is not accessible. We apologize for any inconvenience.
If you have an online dating story to share at a future show, please send a brief summary to tindertaleslive@gmail.com for consideration.