Through the Garden Gate: Secret Gardens of Wychwood

Through the Garden Gate presented by Cullen’s Foods is Toronto’s largest tour of private gardens. This self-guided walking tour has been showcasing unique gardens in Toronto’s diverse neighbourhoods for over 30 years. After a two-year hiatus, Toronto Botanical Garden will once again host its annual garden tour highlighting the beautiful private gardens in the mid-Toronto neighbourhood of Wychwood, known for its Arts & Crafts architecture, artistic and entrepreneurial residents, and some pretty amazing gardeners!

The self-guided walking tour allows garden-lovers to discover beautiful private gardens in Wychwood at their own pace following a map that contains descriptions of the featured gardens. Complimentary shuttle buses are available for participants to “hop on and hop off” along the route.

NEW THIS YEAR. There will be live music in a few of the gardens to enhance your enjoyment.

Not only will garden friends enjoy walking the streets of this unique neighbourhood, while skipping in and out of gardens, but they'll also have a chance to ask questions and learn something too! Knowledgeable Toronto Master Gardeners will be stationed in each garden to answer plant and garden design questions.

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