The Speakers Annex: An Exciting New Speakers Series!
The Speakers Annex is Toronto's most exciting new speakers series. Curated by Will Di Novi, the creator of the popular Curious Minds Lectures and Author Events, which ran for almost a decade, this program of lively lectures and enriching conversations will feature some of Canada's leading thinkers and speakers, exploring fascinating topics in arts, culture and history at The Al Green Theatre in the Miles Nadal JCC, conveniently located at the corner of Bloor and Spadina.
The first lectures kick off on January 21st with a fun series on "Great Buildings of the 20th Century," led by former Toronto Star architecture critic Christopher Hume, and the festivities will continue with interesting lecture courses running until the spring.
Bring your friends--and your inquisitive minds--and beat the winter blahs with a fun intellectual journey!
For the full schedule and lineup of Winter and Spring courses, please check out The Speakers Annex website: