The Mane Event

a series of free community hair and art workshops in Toronto’s Little Jamaica.

Gather with community members through hands-on workshops deep-rooted in community care, resiliency, self-expression and identity, culminating in a permanent public art mural led by Curtia Wright. The Mane Event is a community arts series that speaks to the importance of hair in Black culture, recognizing hair as art and an expression of identity.

The first of six (6) pop-up and in-person intergenerational hairstyling and art workshops are for members of the Little Jamaica community and African Diaspora.

The first set of four (4) workshops, led by stylists Aisha and Anesia Loobie of Crown n Glory, TK of Textured Hair Edu, will focus on the important role hair plays in black identity, self-care and community connection. Each session will include a hairstyle lesson, stylist-assisted hands-on practice with your own hair, and an opportunity to share insights to shape the final mural project.

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The Mane Event

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