The Gig Economy and Your Protections and Rights
The recent flood of mobile applications like Uber, Airbnb, TaskRabbit, and even Pokemon Go, have opened up alternative possibilities for the gig economy to expand into new spaces. While these platforms generate major excitement and garner much publicity, it is important to note that they are dramatically changing perceptions of workplaces and the nature of employment. With the premiere of each new app, new job opportunities are cropping up; but they no longer fit the model of a steady, long-term, career at one company, rather these workers are classified as independent contractors who proceed from one gig to the next. This also means that the broad range of regulations that provide protections and rights to employees do not extend to these non-standard employment arrangements.
As we move into this new world of work we must ask ourselves if and how the societal values that once drove the need for our current employment, labour, and work regulations can complement these new forms of working relationships.
This conference will bring together over 20 speakers from academia, community groups, government, industry, labour, law, and the media to explore:
1. What protections and rights are available to workers in the gig economy?
2. Whether employment, labour, and work acts / codes / plans apply to these workers?
3. How we can advance strategies to provide protections and rights to all workers?
4. What workers need to know to succeed?