TCAF 2014 @ Toronto Reference Library
FEATURING: Isabelle Arsenault, Kate Beaton, Fanny Britt, Gabrielle Bell, Christoph Blain, Ed Brubaker, Darwyn Cooke, Michael DeForge, Est Em, Pascal Girard, Real Godbout, Jimmy Gownley, Ben Hatke, Lynn Johnston, Kazu Kibuishi, Reinhard Kleist, Abel Lanzac, Luke Pearson, Sean Phillips, Mimi Pond, Darren Rawlings, Dave Roman, Jeff Smith, Jillian Tamaki, and Mariko Tamaki!
ABOUT: Whether youre a fan of comics, manga, or graphic literature, make sure to clear your calendars this May in order to attend The Toronto Comic Arts Festival 2014! With the main Exhibition taking place May 10th and 11th 2014 at Toronto Reference Library, and a weeks worth of events leading up to it, TCAF is expected to draw a crowd of 20,000 across all festival events, and will reach new heights as one of the most celebrated literary comics events in the world!
Founded in 2003 in cooperation with Torontos venerable comix enclave The Beguiling, TCAF seeks to promote the breadth and diversity of comics, and what is considered comics, as a legitimate medium of literary and artistic worth. By partnering with Presenting Sponsor Toronto Public Library, TCAF has achieved its goal of changing the North American comics landscape by creating an industry-leading event that is free, diverse, and accessible to existing readers of comics and new fans alike.
TCAF KIDS DAY: Where are the next generation of comics and graphic novel readers coming from? TCAF KIDS DAY! TCAF Kids Day 2014 will take place at St. Pauls on Bloor, 227 Bloor St. E., on Saturday May 10th from 10am-5pm. TCAF Kids Day 2014 will feature young-reader oriented author presentations for audiences up to 200, as well as large author signings, interactive activities, and more! TCAFs first Kids Day was in 2012 at St Pauls on Bloor, and was visited by more than 1000 attendees! This will act as a compliment to TCAF's Kids Programming at Toronto Reference Library, Beeton Audtorium, on May 10th and 11th as part of the traditional TCAF program.
CANADIAN READING SERIES: This year, TCAF has created a dedicated space to discover and enjoy the work of Canadian graphic novelists. Come to discover what the whole world already knows -- that Canada is creating some of the most unique and interesting graphic novels in the world!
WORD BALLOON ACADEMY: On May 9th, TCAF will be offering a new stream of professional development programming by comics creators for comics creators and comics professionals. Share and build up your own knowledge base and skills! Maybe youve figured out Twitter, maybe you want to do an inking demo with a specific kind of nib, maybe youve got photocopying down to an art, maybe youve got storytelling down to a science This is the day for you! Look for information on registering for these programs this March.
And More to come!