Strange Relief

Strange Relief is a multi-part, week-long exploration of sound and spirituality, curated by Second Spring.

I: Sound installation (June 7-9, 12-8PM)

Strange Relief: Panpsychic Sound Floor by Julian Yi-Zhong Hou

In this developing speculative work, Hou uses the psychedelic technology Ketamine for the speculative mapping of inner space into architecture, sound, and writing. Panpsychic Sound Floor is one floor within this larger work, and interweaves ideas around auditory panpsychism and dissociative invocations.

II: Talk (June 6, 6:30PM)

Distancing Mechanisms: Ketamine & Daoism by Fan Wu

In this talk and public forum, Fan Wu explores a speculative comparison: How do the strange bedfellows of ketamine and Daoism both manifest necessary distance from such sticky substances as ego, attachment, and knowledge? Thinking through John C. Lilly, Zhuangzi, and private phenomenological accounts of ketamine use, how can this distance be the foundation for spiritual and ethical experience? We will all walk together through Julian Hou’s Strange Relief to embody these questions through sound & sensoria.

III: Panel (June 8, 8PM)

Wandering in the Wild: a conversation on mental health in the music industry organized and lead by Al Spx

The music industry is an incredibly difficult one to navigate. With hectic tour schedules and pressures associated with albums, more and more artists are struggling to manage their mental health. We will touch on subjects such as touring, releasing projects, and management and how we manage to stay sane throughout it all.

Al Spx will be facilitating the conversation. She has a history of psychosis that was triggered by a relentless tour. For her, the music industry has been detrimental to her mental health and there is a great deal to touch on with this conversation.

IV: Concert (June 10, 7:30PM)

Prince Nifty: Interplanetary Machines record launch

Performances by Prince Nifty and Stefana Fratila, and sound installation by Julian Yi-Zhong Hou.

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