"Stitched Glass" Film Screening and Knitting Social with Kirk Dunn
Price: $20 Regular, $18 Friends, $15 Students/Seniors
Tickets include screening, Q&A, and Museum entry
Sit down with fibre artist, performer, and writer Kirk Dunn, Toronto-based filmmaker, Ian Daffern, and award-winning director, editor, and producer, Omar Majeed for a special screening of "Stiched Glass" followed by a Q&A.
Audiences will be provided with a darning needle and thread to contribute to a Stiched Glass installation.
When a faith built on principles of friendship collides with division and violence, a man attempts to rebuild connections through a message of peace and harmony. In 2003, actor and artist Kirk Dunn embarked on a pilgrimage that would lead him to knit a trio of impressive tapestries inspired by Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. After 15 years of intricate work, Kirk is ready to unveil his tapestries at the Aga Khan Museum in Toronto. Stitched Glass follows an artist confronted with the immensity of spiritual themes and shows how even the grandest concepts start with just one stitch. A deep and touching piece, woven with serenity.