Slack's Music Reunion/Mini-Festival!
GET NOSTALGIC! It's been SIX YEARS (!!?!!) since Slack's closed forever, and left Toronto sad, bored and watching animal rescue videos on the weekends instead of heading downtown for Girltime. It's been TOO LONG! We don't have Slack's anymore, but we still have our community, and we want to see YOU! We've put together a mini music festival with performances by some of our favourite Slackers, and invite you to join us! Come get some live music and hangoutz, at a great and inclusive venue, The Supermarket in Kensington Market.
Lucas Silveira
Katey Morley
Janet Whiteway
Carrie Chestnut
Cara Melander
Jen Benton
Blair Packham
...And maybe more!
There's no cover! Tell your friends! We can't wait to see you!