Cell Gallery : RETROFIT works by Mirren Hinchley

Artists often revisit previous works they have done.  Time away can give you a different perspective on the painting.  New colours could be introduced or bolder or smaller marks added.  The possibilities are endless but whatever you do you are building on what is there – ‘retrofitting the painting’.  My painting process has evolved over time.  I am always looking for new ways to challenge my artistic self.  In life we are always creating new experiences, building on what we have learned from the past. I have reworked (retrofitted) each painting to give them a new look and to bring them together as series called RETROFIT. The works and titles are inspired by the incredible images from the James Webb Space Telescope. The series challenged me to let go, build on my past experiences and explore new techniques and possibilities in my painting practice.  Another chapter in my ever-evolving life!


Mirren Hinchley is an emerging, abstract painter who after a successful career took up painting in this exciting new chapter of her life. Her painting process is based on experiential learning. She has been able to let herself go and express her creativity every time she starts a new canvas. She wants her paintings to reveal her joy of colour and texture, to entice and inspire the viewer to think and talk about what they have just seen. Her works have been displayed in juried Canadian gallery shows but also galleries in Milan, the UK & Venice.

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