Protest at Toronto Public Library

On Tuesday night, let's show up as a community to say: no transphobia in our beloved public library!

Toronto Public Library has seen fit to allow Meghan Murphy, a trans-exclusionary writer banned from Twitter for hateful conduct, to hold a talk at its Palmerston branch, despite clear language in TPL rental policy that gives the library the right to refuse events that will further endanger vulnerable people—as this one certainly will.

Despite a petition with thousands of signatures demanding the event be canceled, a call from Toronto Mayor John Tory requesting the same, and many TPL staff members speaking out, City Librarian Vickery Bowles has refused to reconsider hosting the event.

We cannot and will not remain passive while our trans friends and neighbours—and we ourselves as trans people—are treated with such dangerous contempt.

Murphy's talk is scheduled to be held at the Palmerston TPL branch at 6:45 PM this coming Tuesday, Oct. 29. We plan to gather in community at 6 PM for a peaceful protest outside the library. Every trans-affirming member of the community is welcome: bring your kids, bring your dogs! Bring a warm coat! Palmerston is a public space meant to be welcoming for families and youth⁠—including queer and trans families, queer and trans youth. Let's keep it safe for all.

This event is led by a broad coalition of community groups, not just the two trans people facilitating this Facebook event page in conversation with Indigenous trans poet Gwen Benaway. The protest's community co-hosts include:

No More Silence

Artists for Climate & Migrant Justice and Indigenous Sovereignty

Fight for $15 & Fairness

Climate Justice Toronto

SURJ Toronto

Maggie's: Toronto Sex Workers Action Project

IfNotNow Toronto

Workers’ Action Centre

No One Is Illegal | Personne n'est illégal | Nadie es ilegal

New Socialists

...with endorsement by Pride Toronto, which will be providing accessible, free transportation from its own rally before our protest, happening from 4:00-5:15 PM at Barbara Hall Park.

The protest is also endorsed by CUPE Local 4948 (the Toronto Public Library Workers Union!!!), Burrito Project Toronto, and The 519.

And more to come! If your community organization would like to co-host or endorse, please message Artists for Climate & Migrant Justice and Indigenous Sovereignty (ACMJIS).

AND ONE MORE THING! Outside the library on Tuesday night, queer and trans artists from ACMJIS will be leading a *read-in of writing by trans authors*! Find your favourite trans poet or story writer or essayist at the TPL (or buy a copy of their work if you can!) and bring it to the protest. Let's lift up trans voices!

For background on the protest's circumstances:

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Protest at Toronto Public Library

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