Pride and Prejudice Day
All-day Jane Austen marathon!
This year marks the 20th anniversary of the beloved 1995 Pride and Prejudice mini-series, starring Jennifer Ehle and Colin Firth. On Monday, April 6, we'll celebrate this most popular of all Austen's screen adaptations by watching, dancing, eating, sewing, socializing, drinking tea, playing historical games, and general Regency fun!
We'll watch all six hours of the wonderful series, and intersperse it with the aforementioned historical activities. Bring your quill pen, your embroidery, your deck of cards, or just yourself, and prepare to spend the day with fellow Austen nerds! The film is free; tickets for food, tea, dancing and games must be purchased in advance.
Dress code: Regency garb encouraged, but optional. Some gowns are available for rent at a very reasonable rate.
9 am -- Doors open
9.30 -- Film begins
6 pm -- event ends
We will take breaks for refreshment, games, dancing, etc.throughout the day.
The film is free of charge; tickets for tea, food, dancing and games are $25 / $20 for students and seniors
Please use the side entrance, on Hampton Ave.
Tickets and registration form at