Power of Consciousness

Preethaji is coming to Canada. On Monday evening, March 2, 2020 she will give a free talk on the Power of Consciousness!

Preethaji is a philosopher sage, bestselling author, and co-founder of the philosophy and meditation school O&O Academy. She travels the world sharing her insights and teachings on how to live in a Beautiful State.

This free evening event will include Preethaji teaching powerful wisdom lessons, interacting with participants and meditating with them. She will open the hearts and minds of attendees to a greater experience of Connection.

Preethaji’s insights and teachings are profound. Her wisdom and mystic principles help you successfully move your life in any direction you choose. You experience a transcendental journey of self-discovery and the transformation of your consciousness. This rewards you with amazing synchronicities, beautiful relationships, and abundance.

Thousands of people from Asia, United States and Europe have experienced unique and profound transformations after attending The Power of Consciousness.

This will be Preethaji’s first live event in Canada.

"Our purpose is to create a revolution in human consciousness from stress to peace, from disconnection to connection, from division to oneness, so this earth can be a harmonious space for us and all life."

Preethaji and Krishnaji

Founders of O&O Academy

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Power of Consciousness

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