Personal Space Invaders
THEY'RE BACK! Your hosts Chris & Erin are way too excited to bring you a brand new PSI Longform line-up! And there will be CAKE!! (It's Erin's birthday)
You are all invited to an evening of fun, nonsense and laughter! Get ready for a Long-fun Longform Filled Night with Personal Space Invaders! Join them for one part awesome, one part ridiculous, and all parts fun!
Get excited for your Special Guest Stars!
:: Rob Norman! Adam Cawley! Ken Hall!
Don’t forget to throw your name in the bucket for a chance to Personally Invade the Stage in the Lottery Space Jam* for a chance to play with your favourite improvisers!
Join the best looking gang of improvisers you'll ever see, playing together in The Personal Space Invaders Cabaret: Monday, November 16 at the Comedy Bar, 9:30 PM!