Ontario Artisan Market
FIRST and THIRD Sunday’s (with exception of two additional special dates on July 30 and Oct 29) May - 7, 21 - June 4, 18 - July 2, 16, 30 - Aug 6, 20 - Sept 3, 17 - Oct 1, 15, 29 - 10 am - 3pm
Vendor Inquiries – ontarioartisanmarket@gmail.com
Since 2014 - Ontario Artisan Market hosts a quality selection of artisan vendors and their goods with emphasis on made or designed by the vendor. Held at Evergreen Brick Works, outdoors but undercover in the beautiful pavilions. In association with Ontario Vintage Market / @ontariovintagemarket that happens the same day, there are 70 vendors onsite including a delicious food court of 7 different vendors. Also come and see nature in the city on site with beautiful, wooded walking trails, natural plantings, and the quarry pond.