One Hundred More. Dance Performance

One Hundred More is a performance urgently informed by our current socio-political climate which has produced an ever-greater groundswell of bodies resisting, moving in collective anger, revolt and counter-resistance, captured and replayed in an endless torrent of images. Centred on an iconic gesture of resistance, the work is an incremental choreography of personal physical strategies the artists deploy as women of colour and mothers.

Chambers and Young acknowledge their personal stories of resistance are both individual and part of a shared autobiography: an accumulation of gesture, rhythm, grief, and joy deeply inscribed in their flesh. Drawing from their subjectively held memory bank of protest images, they investigate the possible incremental micro-movements leading up to a recognizable expression of resistance. This work creates a steadily mounting tension of rhythm through archival and emergent movements. Set to a pulsating score, this performance is a physical declaration of resistance and friendship.

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