Noises Off! - Scarborough Players' First Comedy of Their 60th Anniversary

Called “the funniest farce ever written”, we invite you behind the scenes to witness the foibles and follies of this play within a play as a cast rehearses and performs a flop called Nothin’s On. This look at the inner workings of theatre – missed cues, flubbed lines, secret affairs and doors that won’t open – will have you rolling in the aisles. Join us for this award-winning play to see slapstick, slamming doors, falling trousers and the unforgettable flying sardines.

Recommended for ages 10 and up.

This is Scarborough Players' first production of their 60th Anniversary Season!

Stay tuned for details on upcoming celebratiosn.

Theatre Scarborough's New Hearing Loop System will be officially launched on opening night of this production.

Tickets: 416 267-9292 or

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Noises Off! - Scarborough Players' First Comedy of Their 60th Anniversary

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