National Canadian Film Day 2018

Multiple Venues
Wednesday, April 18, 2018
All day

NCFD is a massive one-day, coast-to-coast-to-coast celebration of Canadian cinema.

National Canadian Film Day has always been about encouraging all Canadians to celebrate the incredible achievements of our nation’s filmmakers.

Last year, NCFD 150 was an event of unprecedented size and scope, which reached an astonishing number of people across the country and around the world. This year is the fifth annual NCFD, and you have the opportunity to join other Canadians in helping it take root as an annual tradition.

We want Canadians everywhere to watch a great Canadian film on April 18, 2018.


It’s not very Canadian of us to admit it, but we’re proud of our nation (and our cinematic accomplishments) and we want to toot our own horns a bit. Sorry (not sorry)!

And, honestly, we don’t think most Canadians need to be talked into it. We think most of you out there want to see your own stories on the big screen. In fact, we’re confident that you (yes, even you, reading this right now!) will love getting to know your nation and the people in it a bit better.

We also think it’s fun. We know, telling you that something is “fun” makes it sound like we’re trying to trick you into doing homework, but trust us, it’s not like that at all! Of course, the films we make in Canada are good, but it’s also exciting to share in something that’s happening all across the country.

Film – more than any other medium – has the power to capture the soul of a nation, and when we only watch movies from somewhere else, we lose a part of ourselves. There’s nothing wrong with loving Hollywood films, but they’re no substitute for the connection you can feel when you watch something from your own backyard.

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