Let's Eat! Food and Drink in Fantastic Fiction
Food beyond compare! Food beyond belief! Feast your eyes on this exhibit at the Merril Collection. Explore the delightful delicacies in your favourite works of science fiction and fantasy. From breakfast to dinner, earthy coffee to cosmic cocktails. Come and discover the foods of the fantastic.
Free. All are welcome.
Located in the Merril Collection of Science Fiction, Speculation & Fantasy, on the 3rd floor of the Lillian H. Smith Branch.
The exhibit can be viewed during the Merril Collection's open hours.
Are you an educator or group leader? We also offer group visits and exhibit talks! Contact the Merril Collection at 416-393-7748 or email lsmestaff@tpl.ca for more information.
Toronto Public Library is committed to accessibility. Please call or email us if you are Deaf or have a disability and would like to request accommodation to attend. Please let us know as far in advance as possible and we will do our best to meet your request. At least three weeks' notice is preferred. Phone 416-393-7099 or email accessibleservices@tpl.ca.