Last Landscape

A theatrical meditation on environmental collapse.

A world premiere production from Bad New Days in partnership with Common Boots Theatre, created and directed by Adam Paolozza, imagines a future where we find alternative ways to reconnect with and remember nature.

In a sometime somewhere devoid of nature, posthuman ‘workers’ enter an empty space and assemble a series of artificial landscapes out of found objects, striving with their bodies to recreate the natural world from memory. But is it the deep past we see, or some genetically modified future?

Last Landscape blends Bad New Days’ signature brand of physical theatre with an eco-dramaturgical, DIY aesthetic to create a slowly transforming, imagistic meditation on extinction, ecological grief and interspecies care, where colossal puppets of prehistoric megafauna roam free. On the brink of environmental collapse, the production offers hopeful possibilities for how we all might share this big green miraclemarble.

Last Landscape will be performed by Nada Abusaleh, Nicholas Eddie, Gibum Dante Lim, Annie Luján, Adam Paolozza, and Kari Pederson. SlowPitchSound will provide both original music and live turntablism.

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