Joseph Smith's Redefinition of God
When Joseph Smith first described his vision in the grove, it was an orthodox view of Christ's forgiveness of sin. The Book of Mormon likewise described a trinitarian view of God, although modalist in its understanding.
By the end of his life, Smith retold the First Vision story with "two distinct personages," and espoused theological propositions that seemed to reject Western monotheism itself. We'll look at the implications of Smith's late Nauvoo-era theology.
The presentation ends around 9.00. The exchange of ideas usually continues until 10, or even later, while we share complimentary snacks and beverages.
Free. There is no cost for this event but donations ($5 suggested) are greatly appreciated.
The venue is called “Centre Place” and is located at 320 Richmond St. E - Suite 101, Toronto, ON, M5A 1P9. We're on a commercial unit of "The Modern" condominium, at the NE corner of Sherbourne and Richmond.
Our unit has its own entrance on Richmond, right next to McFarrens Ln. Above the main entrance there's a blue sign that says "Centre Place". (For directions lookup "Centre Place Toronto" on your phone). The venue is 100% accessible.