Jane Austen Games Night

Jane Austen Games Night

A fireside evening of games, tea and socializing, Jane Austen style!

Learn to play the elegant card games and other Regency pastimes beloved of Jane Austen and her contemporaries. Drink tea by the fire in polite company, write a letter using quill pen and sealing wax, and experience a social evening in Jane Austen's world. Bring your friends or attend on your own -- you will find like-minded Austen fans aplenty! Light historical refreshments will be served. Space is limited, and pre-registration is strongly recommended. Regency-era clothing encouraged but optional.

at Toronto's First Post Office Museum

260 Adelaide Street East, near St James's Cathedral

$20, $15 for students/seniors

More details and registration form at www.JaneAustenDancing.ca or phone (416) 578-1031.

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Jane Austen Games Night

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