Hollis and Morris Showroom Opening Party

This showroom celebrates a milestone in the brand’s journey that started just four years ago. Since its debut at IDS 2014, hollis+morris has accumulated a repertoire of past projects such as Amazon, Facebook, Andaz Hotel, Google, Nobu, Disney, and Vice Magazine.

Located at 501 Alliance Avenue, our showroom experience includes an invitation to tour our production facilities (located under the same roof) for an inside peek into our processes. Explore our unique perspective with insider production knowledge from both the showroom floor and straight from the people who handcraft our designs.

The opening of our 2400 ft2 showroom will show off dazzling additions to our current collection in one curated space. With interconnected veils of radiant pendants and walls that burn brightly as an electric hive, join us in this immersive space to bask in a captivating lightscape of floor to ceiling installations. Located in a sweet spot between the Junction Triangle and Castlefield Design District, the showroom will be open to the public weekdays (9-6) and weekends by appointment.

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Hollis and Morris Showroom Opening Party

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