HIP HOP AS RESISTANCE: Screening & Panel w/ Rich Kidd, David Strickland, Dr. Audrey Hudson, & Que Rock

Thursday, April 21, 2016
7:00 PM

Rich Kidd, David Strickland, Dr. Audrey Hudson and Que Rock will be in attendance for a discussion about HIP HOP AS RESISTANCE, following the screening of two short films.

Clayton Shirt will provide a traditional welcome and set the context for indigenous ways of knowing and traditional knowledge.

Michael Nguyen's film Shade captures the spoken word performance of two young Somali poets, Zeinab Aidid and Shadiya Aidid, who bravely address the pressure young women of colour face to conform to western notions of beauty.

We are thrilled to have Zeinab Aidid and Shadiya Aidid join us prior to the screening to perform two of their spoken word pieces.

Noisey film, First Out Here: Indigenous Hip Hop, follows Rich Kidd as he visits Regina, Winnipeg and Toronto to meet up with indigenous hip hop artists to reflect on the crisis of Missing and Murdered Aboriginal Women, conflicts around resource extraction on native land, and the protest movement Idle No More.


Join the Regent Park Film Festival and the TDSB on Thursday, April 21st for a free screening & discussion around HIP HOP AS RESISTANCE.

Where: Room 208 second floor Central Technical School 725 Bathurst St, Toronto, ON M5S 2R5

When: Thursday, April 21, 2016 at 7:00pm, doors at 6:30pm.

FREE Admission. Limited seating!


More About First Out Here:

Indigenous Hip Hop: Indigenous rappers in Canada reflect on a unique struggle. In a country where the most incarcerated population is aboriginal, these artists reflect on the crisis of Missing and Murdered Aboriginal Women, conflicts around resource extraction on native land, and the protest movement Idle No More, which galvanized aboriginal communities from coast to coast. Indigenous rap doesnt get enough attention outside of its vibrant scene. VICE host Rich Kidd went to Regina, Winnipeg and his hometown Toronto to meet some of the scenes big names like Drezus, Winnipeg Boyz and David Strickland and up-and-comer T-Rhyme.

What is the Hip Hop STEMposium?

Hip Hop Education STEMposium brings Hip Hop as critical pedagogy HHCP and STEM together in an exploration of innovative educational practices that seek to enhance the engagement and achievement of all students. This dialogue between HHCP and STEM also seeks to critique traditional educational methodologies that fail to connect to students and prepare them to engage with the world around them in critical and meaningful ways.


visit our website: http://regentparkfilmfestival.com/events/event/hip-hop-stemposium-screening-first-out-here-indigenous-hip-hop-in-canada/

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HIP HOP AS RESISTANCE: Screening & Panel w/ Rich Kidd, David Strickland, Dr. Audrey Hudson, & Que Rock

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