Happy Friday the 13th
Luckily at Gallery 1313 we do not have triskaidekaphobia - fear of the number 13 or paraskevidekatriaphobia - fear of Friday the 13th. Now in our 19th year we are pretty much use to .
Taylor Swift apparently has a thing for number 13 . She was born on the 13th .Always sits in seat 13 at
award shows . We are inviting her to our annual Fantasy Fashion Show June 22 and saving her seat 13 . We will see if she shows up .
On May 13 we are selling Gallery 1313 T Shirts for you guessed it $13.
.Come visit us at 1313 Queen St. West .
More Info on the Number 13 and Fridays
It is considered unlucky to have 13 guests for dinner as in the
Christian Faith there were 13 guests at the Last Supper and guest 13
would have been Judas , the traitor .
There were thirteen steps to the gallows
13 knots in the hangman.s noose
13 feet from which the guillotine blade falls
The tarrot card number 13 is the Death Card with the sign depicting the
Grim reaper
A witches coven consists of thirteen members .
Many buildings do not have a thirteenth floor .
It is considered unlucky to cut your hair or nails on a Friday .
Public Hangings were often on a Friday.
It is considered bad luck to start a job on a Friday , moving house on a
Friday , giving birth , starting a business.
It was believed that Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit on a Friday
and died on a Friday .
Some Muslims believed that Allah created Adam on a Friday.
Christians believe Jesus was crucified on a Friday .
Gallery 1313 1313 Queen St. West www.g1313.org 416-536-6778