Hand & Machine

The Ontario Crafts Council OCC presents an innovative exhibition entitled Hand & Machine as part of Toronto Design Offsite Festival. Exhibiting the work of both local and international makers and designers Hand & Machine allows makers to become active participants in a constantly changing world; questioning debating and adapting in order to create new works.

The impact of technology on tradition is both embraced and rejected by the same community. It is a conflict that will outlast any maker and contradicts our understanding of craftsmanship and manufacturing. As technology progresses previous technologies are naturally accepted into the craft community and fade into everyday practice. At some point the potters wheel modern loom and table saw were considered new technologies but are now widely accepted as craft tools and practice. As makers our hands are central to our practice; they create our craft and interact with technological tools. With this we look towards those in the craft community to engage with technology by either incorporating new manufacturing processes or creating a dialogue between contemporary craft practice and technology.

Hand & Machine will showcase the works of Andy Brayman Joy Charbonneau and Derek McLeod Zachary Eastwood-Bloom Hot Pop Factory and Ozana Gherman Jonathan Sabine Phillip Stearns Shawna Tabacznik The T-Shirt Issue and Unfold.

Hand & Machine is Co-Curated by Rebecca Horwitz and Tomas Rojcik.


09 January 2014 - 15 March 2014

23 January 2014 - Opening Reception 6pm-9pm


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