Green Wave - Marea Verde

Across South America, there are cries for legal, safe and free abortion. Green Wave (Marea Verde) traces the history of abortion in Argentina, making visible the feminist struggle that has been active for more than 20 years. Through testimonies of activists from Argentina, Bolivia, Ecuador and Colombia, the film shows the current context of abortion in Argentinian society. Following the work and activism of a diversity of voices, the documentary shows the movement through first-person accounts, marches, news, vigils and unpublished archive materials.

In Spanish with English subtitles.

Followed by a panel discussion featuring:

Marea Verde director, Angel Giovanni Hoyos

Rachel Cairns, Toronto-based actor, writer and creator of Aborsh, a podcast about abortion in Canada

Amrita Kumar-Ratta (she/her), social researcher, storyteller, community curator, educator and founder of Shades of Brown Girl

Dr. Rabea Parpia, family phyician at Planned Parenthood Toronto specializing in reproductive health and trauma-informed care

Staff experts from Planned Parenthood Toronto, and more

Tickets: $15 (Members from $10)

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