Gordon Rayner-Graham Peacock: Invention/Illusion
A feature exhibition on two giants of Canadian art, Gordon Rayner and Graham Peacock. Two iconic Canadian artists who challenge our notion of abstract painting, it’s possibilities, its boundless materials, its limitless aesthetics, its concept and chance results.
Through the use of illusion, invention. colour, the inclusion of unorthodox materials and the moulding and shaping of canvas you will witness painting at its height in this exhibition. Produced by artist’s that defied the boundaries of painting in order to create incredibly unique and beautiful artworks through experimental approaches and invention.
“Illusion is a centuries old pictorial practise of making the subject look realistic on a flat surface. From Rembrandt portraits to the apples of Cezanne, illusionistic traditions forms the basis of representational art today. My “Within the Frame” paintings re-establish the modeling and shaping of traditional illusionistic space, but in the form of abstraction.” Graham Peacock
“Gordon Rayner had an idiosyncratic way of making art, a style that is marked by constant innovation and change, and by the transformation of any medium he used. This quality is combined with an apparently endless series of startling juxtapositions in his work, also a colour sense that was often edgy, violent, and surprising — so surprising at times to create in the viewer new ideas of what colour can be.” -Joan Murray, Canadian art historian