G-DAY: A Birthday Special, is a stand up comedy show on March 28 at 7:00pm taking place at Comedy Bar. It is an hour long show produced by Gina Siva, a Tamil-Canadian Comedian who doubles as a Nurse. Born and raised in Scarborough, Ontario she offers a fresh perspective on being a first generation Canadian in a South Asian home. She has performed on shows in Toronto and Montreal and recently had a taping at CBC’s Glenn Gould Studio on a showcase called FRESH RICE.
On the line up we have Brandon Ash-Mohammed, Black Zeus, Daphney from Coko & Daphney, and Thurka.
Show starts at 7:00pm
All tickets are general admission
Come early if you want a seat in the front
Tickets are $20 online and $25 at the door
All are welcome!
Follow @ginasiva on Instagram for giveaways!