Full Moon Medicine Dance

There is a tremendous amount of hope in the uncovering and sharing of ancient healing traditions. Join us on the eve of the upcoming Full Moon in Gemini for an evening of ceremony, dance, and connecting in conscious community under the healing powers of the moon. Embrace the opportunity to uplift and inspire others on their journey by sharing in creative expression, rejuvenating foods and ecstatic dance.

The intention of this event is to gather in circle as an intimately connected community to raise our collective vibration! Toronto has a beautifully diverse population and ALL ARE WELCOME! These events will be monthly, and the size of the venue will increase as the attendance grows! In order to remain inclusive of all age groups, and to deeper our connection to spirit - these will be SUBSTANCE FREE EVENTS!

The event will be held in the McClure Hall of the church signs will be posted

The exchange for entry into the event is sliding scale donation based. $11-$33

$11 covering our basic costs of space & equipment rentals

$22 ensuring the performers, DJs, healers, volunteers get paid for their time and sharing their craft with the community

$33 ensuring we can grow these events, invest in our own sound equipment, lights, bigger/more acts!

FREE FOR KIDS 12 & UNDER so please bring your little ones!!!

If you do not have the means to contribute a donation you will not be turned away! 3


The Full Moon in Gemini is know as the Cold Moon, Winter Moon or Long Night's Moon in Native American Tribes as the nights grow longer leading up to the Winter Solstice.

Gemini Moon, symbolized by The Twins, is renowned for questioning everything, embodying shifting moves, mixing it up, & examining the pieces. Gemini is an air sign, which inspires deep contemplation and deciphering of society, culture, and all of our relations. Under the influence of Gemini, we discover how changeable we are, and can enjoy the freedom of that. This Full Moon is a celebration of our ability to adapt to a world in the midst of a chaotic change. When we're in the whirl of Gemini energies, the kaleidoscope comes to mind. Life is always changing, depending on the angle of perception. We see things in a different light, as more becomes known, from our own curious seeking.

This Full Moon Medicine Dance, we will be exploring the key theme of healing from emotional-spiritual isolation, and coming together to share our gifts. The essence is unearthed now, and we move forward united, toward more authenticity. As the Full Moon approaches, feel this motivation to move toward making your mark. Pay attention to your dreams and watch for imagery that offers guidance on how to move forward or free yourself, how to live your passion as a gift to humanity.


7:30 - 8pm - Doors open, you will be greeted by miss Laura Brookes and directed into the hall where you can relax into the space with ease. Don't forget to fill out a raffle ticket for our awesome door prizes!

8pm - 8:45pm - Opening circle meditation and sound healing guided by John Arjan feel free to bring pillows or blankets and you will be lying down for this portion

8:45 - 10pm - transformative deejayed free-form movement dance journey in a safe and deeply sacred conscious container for movement, expression, connection and celebration guided by DJ Liz Diaz of Conscious Dance Parties Toronto

10 - 11pm - Free your spirit, move your soul and dance your heart out as the journey continues with John Arjan on the decks accompanied by Lizzy Loo.

11 - 11:30pm Closing Circle

Drawing from a deep sense of interconnectedness with the earth and all of its beings, Liz will guide you in a grounded way, back into your body, reminding you of your connection with the earth below, while exploring the relationships to the beings around you, and embracing all aspects within the Self. Helping you to remember your most natural state of being one of deep inner peace while simultaneously sharing that with the collective consciousness in a safe and supported manner.

Elixirs, Smoothies & Snacks will be available throughout the night, provided by Spirit Bird Bakery, if you feel called to take a break from your dance to collect with friends and share some good food and conversation.

Body painting by Natasha Battiston will be available throughout the night free of charge, so dazzle your temple with glitter and glow!

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Full Moon Medicine Dance

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