Folk Singing Workshop series: Ukrainian Carols from left-bank Ukraine

Saturday, December 6, 2014
4:00 PM – 6:30 PM
Saturday, December 13, 2014
4:00 PM – 6:30 PM

A series of Koliada (winter carol) workshops with Maria Kudriavtseva, renowned folk singer from Kyiv, one of the founders of Bozhychi folk ensemble.

With an incredibly rich repertoire of authentic Ukrainian carols, Maria will guide the group through the folk singing tradition of Ukraine, instructing vocal technique for "village voice" and providing cultural context for the songs. Instruction in Ukrainian, with translation.

Open to all regardless of age, ability, language.

Pay what you can- (suggested $10-30 sliding scale per workshop)

SAT DEC 6 4-6:30pm

SAT DEC 13 2-4:30pm*** note that the times are different***

RSVP to kosa.kolektiv [at]

Each Saturday there will also be an opportunity to stay afterwards and share in some food and conversation with like-minded singing folk. There will be a chance to sing with community members at the Kalyta potluck on Dec. 6th (6:30pm-) and to browse folk art and crafts, folk music cds, and sample food on Dec 13th at the Kosa "Winter Folk Fair".

(RSVP encouraged for DEC 6th potluck)

Check back to the Kosa Kolektiv website and facebook page for updates about upcoming gatherings with opportunities to sing together.

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Folk Singing Workshop series: Ukrainian Carols from left-bank Ukraine

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