FLOWCHART -- series of performance -- 2015
happening with much excitement at the tail end of the colder months in this part of the world I am delighted to present to you the second full, but fourth ever, iteration of
a series of performance
March 5th
with Simon Portigal, Matt Smith, and Philip McKee
March 26th
with Zeesy Powers, Alicia Grant and Zoja Smutny/Brendan Jensen
April 16th
with Alice Chauchat and Randall Gagne
taking place with the very generous assistance of our friends at Hub 14
Flowchart is a series of small-scale multidisciplinary performance curated by dance artist Amelia Ehrhardt. It shows work by artists engaging with the choreographic from the perspective of multiple fields; work which pays attention to organizing movement in space having it be affected by/also itself affect time. By contextualizing non-dance works within the choreographic, an engagement with these ideas becomes newly visible. Flowchart is interested in works that centralize the body and offers a curiosity about what happens to non-dance works when they are presented in the scope of a field that inevitably does so.