Fashion Revolution's Open Wardrobe Photo Exhibit

This Fashion Revolution Week we invite you and your friends to join team Toronto to take part in #FashionRevolutionWeek2023.

As part of Fashion Revolution Week we will be hosting a photo series exhibit featuring people who radically express themselves through the way they dress. We put out a call for anyone who uses clothing and the act of dressing as a tool for storytelling and communication. We are drawing attention to the act of dressing to repair and reconstruct the misconceptions and disrupted relationships to the body and clothing due to the dominant fashion industry.

This exhibit will host artists, makers, practitioners and designers from a variety of discipline to draw attention to the compromised networks and broken systems of the fashion industry during Fashion Revolution Week 2023.

We will be exhibiting different creatives who use the act of dressing as a tool that tell stories and unapologetically represent you and how you identify yourself in this world at She Said Gallery. She Said Gallery is an accessible space!

The exhibit will be a time to celebrate the work of these creatives as well as a time to take action towards the destructive industry through Fash Rev's Letter writing campaign and a curated educational resource bank.

As global citizens, we all have the power to take action and reimagine the future of fashion!

About Fashion Revolution

Fashion Revolution is a global movement of people who make the fashion industry work. Fashion Revolution Week which happens every year in the week coinciding with the 24th of April, the anniversary of the Rana Plaza disaster in Bangladesh. This year we are commemorating the Tenth Anniversary of the Rana Plaza Factory collapse. During Fashion Revolution Week, we remember the lives lost and affected by the industry.

It is a time to demand that no one should die for fashion. Since then, we have grown to become the world’s largest fashion activism movement, mobilizing citizens, brands, and policymakers through research, education and advocacy.

This is a week of action, we have curated a number of virtual and in person events and tools that anybody can take part in and use. This is a week to demand accountability, redistribution of wealth and power from the people, brands and systems causing this harm to people and the planet.

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