Earthly Desires: A painting exhibit by Stephanie Avery

Earthly Desires

A painting/intervention exhibit by Stephanie Avery

Show Gallery

978 Queen West

May 2-7, 1-6 daily

Reception May 6

Welcome to Earthly Desires, a solo exhibition of Stephanie Avery's AdHack painting interventions. Stephanie uses humour and absurdity to navigate the complicated relationship between self-expression, desire, and the insidious aspects of consumer culture. She paints directly on salvaged magazine and bus shelter advertisements to subvert their original narratives from something inane and joyless into art that uplifts and empowers viewers. Fresh off the tails of The Artist Project and Fashion Art Toronto, 'Earthly Desires' gives a deeper look into Stephanie's AdHack body of work.

After this you'll never see ads the same way again.

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Earthly Desires: A painting exhibit by Stephanie Avery

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